Comparison Table of Best Electric Bikes Available in 2023

Brand91 EnigmaHero Lectro 6CECultSportMatelcoLeaderGeekayHero Lectro C5iETraidShantiThrottleEMotorad DoodleToutcheEmotorad EMXBeing Human
Battery capacity6.3 Ah Li-ion5.8 Ah Li-ion7.5 Ah Li-ion7.5 / 10 / 12.5 Ah Li-ion7.8 Ah Li-ion7.5 Ah Li-ion5.8 Ah Li-ion7.8 Ah Li-ion10.4 Ah Li-ion10 Ah Li-ion36V 10.4Ah Li-ion12.8 Ah Li-ion10.4 Ah Li-ion7.8 Ah Li-ion
Removable BatteryNoNoNoYesYesNoYesYesYesYesYesYesNo
Charging Time4 hours4 hours3.5 hours4 hours--4 hours--4 hours3 hours-4 hours
Max speed/hour<25 kms25 kms--25 kms25 kms25 kms25 kms-25 kms25 kms
Range in Kms18-35 kms25-45 kms30 kms35-50 kms35 kms50 kms30-35 kms80 kms50 kms40 kms
Colors availableOrangeBlack/OrangeBlueGrey-BlackBlack & GreenBlackSilver & BlackBlueCamo GreenBlack, GreenScarlett RedYellowBlack
DisplayLED. 4 Riding modes. Battery charge levelLED. 4 Riding modesLED. Battery charge level---LED. 4 Riding modesLED. 3 Riding modesLEDLCD Multifunctional OdometerLCD Multifunctional DisplayLCD Multifunctional DisplayLCD. 5 Riding modesLCD. Odometer, Trip Meter, Paddle Assist
Frame size18 inches18.5 inches--19 inches-18 inches18 inches-18 inches16 inches
Wheel size700 mm27.5 inches26 inches27.5 inches27.5 inches26 inches26 inches17 inches20 inches28 inches27.5 inches26 inches
Frame MaterialSteelAluminiumCarbon SteelSteelSteelCarbon SteelAluminiumAluminiumSteelCarbon SteelAluminium AlloyAluminium AlloyAluminium AlloySteel
Weight of E Cycle22.3 kgs20 kgs24.5 kgs-20 kgs20 kgs21 kgs-28 kgs28.3 kgs19.8 kgs23 kgs24 kgs
Rider height rangeAdultAdult15 years +Adult5FT to 6FT5FT to 6FTYouth15 years +AdultYouthYouthAdultAdultYouth
Rider WeightAdultAdult15 years +Adult12 years +13 years +Youth15 years +AdultYouth120 kgs max.AdultAdultYouth
BrakesDual Disc E-BrakesDual Disc BrakesDiscDiscDiscDiscDiscDiscDiscDiscDiscDiscDiscDisc
GearsSingle Speed. 4 Riding modes7 Speed Shimano gearsSingle SpeedSingle Speed. 2 Riding modesSingle SpeedSingle Speed4 Riding modesShimano Tourney 7-Speed Gears21 Speed7 SpeedShimano 7-Speed GearsShimano 8-Speed CassetteShimano 21-Speed. 5 Riding Modes7 Speed Shimano gears. 3 Riding modes
AccessoriesAllen key, Tool kitTool kit, Power adapterBattery chrager, Tool kitCharger, Tool kit, Basket, Horn CarrierAllen key, Stand, Reflectors, SpannerAllen key, Spanner. Tool kitTool kit, Power adapterFront/rear LED, Tool kitReflectors, Mudguard, LockMetal Mudguard, Tool kit, Keys-Charger, Tool kit, Toutche KeyringCharger, Tool kitAllen key, Cone wrench
Special FeaturesElectronic key lockGerman EngineeringTrue E Bike Motor 32 nmLadies E-cycleMountain bike, LightweightLightweightMobile app, RFID lock3 Ride modesFor beach, snow, gravel, rain, dirt, sand & iceOdometer. FoldableFoldableMountain, Lightest weightMTB, trail bikingLigth weight. Super bright LED light.
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